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Flex ~ Use It to Lose It! Advanced Weight Loss Clinics currently accepts flex pay cards and even provides the opportunity to prepay for program fees. This is a great option to spend the balance of a flexpay account and receive a lifelong benefit to better…

Protein? What is it?

PROTEIN? WHAT IS IT? By Jenny Flynn Why should you care about protein and the amounts of it that you eat? Protein is the most basic building block of all the tissues in the body. So, what is so important…


OBESITY – by Jenny Flynn   What would your life be like if you… …..were healthier? …..could control your weight? …..had the self confidence you desire? Well, we at Letslose, want to help you achieve this goal in life. Did…

Energy Drinks

ENERGY DRINKS! The effects : Pros and Cons! by Jenny Flynn   In our society today, it seems that it is very easy to get “Burnt Out” or “Run Down”. The majority of people tend to suffer from the lack…

FDA Approves New Weight Loss Pill

Qsymia is a new weight loss drug which has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in July, and is now available for obese and at-risk overweight patients. Qsymia, a combination of both phentermine and topirimate, a controlled…

Eat to Live or Live to Eat?

Do you Eat to Live or Live to Eat? What is your relationship with food? Is it healthy? Or does it consume you? Do you eat on a schedule? When hungry? Mindlessly? For comfort? Are you thinking about your next…

Foods & Cancer

FOODS AND CANCER by Jenny Flynn As I write this article, it really touches my heart. I personally have lost three immediate family members to cancer, and after studying and research, I, and we at Letslose ,would like to share…