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Berries! A Super Food

A superfood is a food that is usually considered to be extremely nutritious or beneficial to your overall health and wellness, and have a combination of the following characteristics: Low in calories, high in vitamins, minerals, fiber, omega-3 fatty acids…

Cut The Fat

We all know that we should cut down on the amount of fat we eat. But why? It all comes down to fact that diets high in total fat have been linked to many health problems such as obesity and…

Weight Loss: Go a Little Nuts

New research from the University of Barcelona suggests that a small snack of nuts can help in weight loss. Specifically, as little as a daily ounce of walnuts, hazelnuts, and almonds can contribute to the weight loss effort. “An increased…

Keep It Up; Keep It Off!

USA Today reported an encouraging new analysis in October, stating that weight loss can indeed be maintained, despite the difficulties. This research is conducted by the National Weight Control Registry, a group of 10,000 people who have lost 30 pounds…

Don’t Wait – Hydrate!

Fresh, clear, cold, low-calorie water: you already know it’s good for you, but did you know it can accelerate weight loss? Water is inexpensive, and it’s everywhere! Besides that, there are several more advantages to healthy water intake: Water can…

Ebenezer and Weight Loss?

“Here I raise mine Ebenezer; Hither by Thy help I’m come; And I hope, by Thy good pleasure, Safely to arrive at home.” You’ve probably sung Robert Robinson’s lyrics in church and throughout the week, and for a good reason:…