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20 Minute Meal Strategy

Being mindful while eating meals is one of the best strategies to use for wellness. Slowing down at mealtime is not only good for your waistline, but also for your mind and digestive systems. Sometimes our lives get so chaotic…

Taming the Hunger Monster

Are you constantly being pursued by the horrible Hunger Monster? Instead of hiding out – peeking around the corner and expecting to be overwhelmed by your hunger, why not try a new approach!? Here are 3 things you can do to…

New Thanksgiving Day Traditions

Get your family into action this year instead of spending hours and days sitting on the sofa in front of the television!  Creating new traditions involving physical activity can be a lot of fun and much better for you! Here…

Enjoy Thanksgiving Dinner

Thanksgiving Dinner is not designed to be “healthy” – it is designed to a celebration of blessings! So, this year, don’t ruin your celebration with anxiety and guilt over what you are eating.  Instead, arm yourself with some expert tips…

Thankful, Grateful, Blessed

The month of November is a time of turning our thoughts to those things that we are blessed with and for which we are grateful. It’s a time to remember the blessings of the past and renew our commitment to…

Caution! Swimsuit Season Ahead

It’s hard to believe it, but it’s true. Swimsuit season is right around the corner, and it’s time to prepare. Some of you may have already gone through that dreaded ritual–your “first appearance of the year” in swimming attire (of…

The Importance of Breakfast when Dieting

    Often times many people will try to lose weight using just their own common sense. Less soda, more water. Less fast food, more fresh foods. Less sugar and sweets, more vegetables. Less couch time, more activity. And quite…

Good News for Alabama State Employees

The Alabama State Employees Insurance Board (SEIB) will cover approved physician supervised weight management and nutritional counseling programs. The SEIB will reimburse up to 80% of the cost of a physician supervised weight management program and/or nutritional counseling, with no…