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Caution! Swimsuit Season Ahead

It’s hard to believe it, but it’s true. Swimsuit season is right around the corner, and it’s time to prepare. Some of you may have already gone through that dreaded ritual–your “first appearance of the year” in swimming attire (of…

The Importance of Breakfast when Dieting

    Often times many people will try to lose weight using just their own common sense. Less soda, more water. Less fast food, more fresh foods. Less sugar and sweets, more vegetables. Less couch time, more activity. And quite…

Sick & Tired of Being Sick & Tired?

If you answered “yes”, then it is time for change.  Consider your life… What will your health look like in 10 years? 20 years? 30? Every decision you make today will effect all of your tomorrows. Proper diet and exercise…

The Buzz About Colon Cleansing

The Buzz About Colon Cleansing The best way to a clean colon is with a diet rich in fresh, raw fruits and vegetables. But just in case you are not quite giving your body the healthful, healing food it needs…

Defying Disease & Aging

The Choice Is Yours… What’s In Your Basket?  Take a hard look at the food you have eaten in the past week.  Would you say there is good nutritional value in it?  If you are like the typical American family,…

Muscle Vs. Fat

Muscle Vs. Fat – The Benefits of Building Lean Muscle If you have recently started working out, and the scale isn’t budging, or even worse, it keeps going up, but your clothes are fitting better and you are feeling smaller,…


In today’s society, dependence on fast food increases, but so does our waistline! If you are like most Americans, you are short on time, and so therefore rely heavily on fast food. We tend to think it is convenient, cheap…