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Defying Disease & Aging

The Choice Is Yours… What’s In Your Basket?  Take a hard look at the food you have eaten in the past week.  Would you say there is good nutritional value in it?  If you are like the typical American family,…

Muscle Vs. Fat

Muscle Vs. Fat – The Benefits of Building Lean Muscle If you have recently started working out, and the scale isn’t budging, or even worse, it keeps going up, but your clothes are fitting better and you are feeling smaller,…

Facebook Freebies. You’re Gonna “LIKE” it.

FACEBOOK Freebies!! You’re Gonna “LIKE” It! If you haven’t checked out our Facebook yet, now is a good time to make the CLICK! Starting this month, we will be offering FREEBIES, PRIZES, and DISCOUNTS at various times for your comments,…

Crossing The Dreaded Weight Loss PLATEAU

Crossing The Dreaded Weight Loss PLATEAU! Unfortunately, even the most diligent dieter can hit a roadblock! A weight loss plateau occurs when you stop losing weight despite continuing your normal exercise and low calorie eating habits. In the beginning, you’re…


OBESITY – by Jenny Flynn   What would your life be like if you… …..were healthier? …..could control your weight? …..had the self confidence you desire? Well, we at Letslose, want to help you achieve this goal in life. Did…

Eat to Live or Live to Eat?

Do you Eat to Live or Live to Eat? What is your relationship with food? Is it healthy? Or does it consume you? Do you eat on a schedule? When hungry? Mindlessly? For comfort? Are you thinking about your next…