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Is Color Affecting Your Diet?

A recent study in the Journal of Consumer Research uncovered a tip that might help you shave calories from your diet and lose weight faster: the color of your plate influences how much you eat! ABC News reported on this…

How to Tell—and Be Told

How do you tell somebody you love—your spouse, your friend, your parent—that they need to lose weight? Or what if you’re on the receiving end of that message? A recent article in Shape magazine explored the issues of breaking the…

Childhood Obesity—Are Sports Enough?

Having your child participate in sports might not be as effective as we thought. According to a recent study from the University of Minnesota, it takes more than just team sports to curb obesity among children. In fact, they found…

Chew More, Lose More?

Could cutting down on calories be as simple as chewing your food more? It’s something that many of us have heard for years, but how reliable is this advice, really? A recent article in the Associated Press takes a closer…

Can You Diet through Christmas?

Weight loss: a super common New Year’s resolution. It’s not hard to understand why—with a whole year stretched out before you with clear start and finish dates, it just seems like a logical plan to make. It sounds smart at…

Weight Loss May Reduce Risk of Knee Arthritis

Weight loss can bring all kinds of benefits, and according to a recent article in HealthDay News, losing weight can protect you from knee arthritis. Americans are getting arthritis of the knee at younger ages, but a study presented at…

Brace Yourselves; Winter Is Coming.

We’re “entering the most dangerous time of the year,” reports Medical News Today. It’s the holiday season, a time when we gather together for family visits, warm memories, and giving of gifts. Statistically, it’s also the time when Americans tend…

Teens: Lose Weight Now, Avoid Risks Later

Here’s a tip for obese teenagers: if you lose your extra weight now, you could avoid the risks associated with adult obesity in the future. A recent article in MedlinePlus says that although many obese children and teens go on…