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Family Health

FAMILY HEALTH – by Jenny Flynn

It’s back to school, which also means you are back to hectic time schedules. You slap some cold cereal in front of the kids, and send them out the door to catch the school bus. Frantically, you search for your car keys and call a “quick” cup of coffee “breakfast”, and dash off to work. It’s another lunch at your desk, and you haven’t even begun to think about what you are going to feed your family for dinner, or even exercising before the day is over.

Nowadays, this is the typical lifestyle for most families. We all tend to overschedule and multitask, and leave little room for a healthy lifestyle. We, at Letslose, would like to encourage you to start now and begin to make small changes for a healthy lifestyle. Studies show that when you make wise decisions for yourself and your children about nutrition, sleep and exercise, you and your family will be happier and much healthier.

Rushing through life tends to ruin our mood and also wrecks our energy which then affects our parenting and work performance. When our bodies stay in the fight-or-flight mode it causes our heart to race, constricts our blood vessels, impedes digestion and inhibits breathing. It is also proven that the stress hormone your body releases makes your body store fat and burn fewer calories.

Letslose would like you to take the first step for you and your family and enjoy life! We would like to encourage you to take a moment and breathe. It starts with the present moment, and is proven to halt the brain’s release of anxiety neurotransmitters and relax you enough so that you are able to become aware of the ever present- Today!

Take the first step and allow yourself to make the best choices for you! Adequate sleep, healthy selections at mealtime, starting with breakfast and daily exercise will lead you to the road of success at work and home.

Proverbs 22:6 – Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.