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Crossing The Dreaded Weight Loss PLATEAU

Crossing The Dreaded Weight Loss PLATEAU! Unfortunately, even the most diligent dieter can hit a roadblock! A weight loss plateau occurs when you stop losing weight despite continuing your normal exercise and low calorie eating habits. In the beginning, you’re…

FDA Approves New Weight Loss Pill

Qsymia is a new weight loss drug which has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in July, and is now available for obese and at-risk overweight patients. Qsymia, a combination of both phentermine and topirimate, a controlled…

Foods & Cancer

FOODS AND CANCER by Jenny Flynn As I write this article, it really touches my heart. I personally have lost three immediate family members to cancer, and after studying and research, I, and we at Letslose ,would like to share…