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The Big COFFEE Cover-Up

Will you be one of the millions of people who try to mask hunger with caffeine coffee this year? It’s an easy habit to fall into, especially during the long cold winter months. Coffee is marketed as a solution for…

What Does “New” Mean to You?

“New.”  Oh yes, there is something about that word that stirs us deep within.  Whether it’s the smell of a brand new car or a newborn baby, “NEW” means something enchanting, exciting, exhilarating!  A new pair of shoes or a…

Thankful, Grateful, Blessed

The month of November is a time of turning our thoughts to those things that we are blessed with and for which we are grateful. It’s a time to remember the blessings of the past and renew our commitment to…

Caution! Swimsuit Season Ahead

It’s hard to believe it, but it’s true. Swimsuit season is right around the corner, and it’s time to prepare. Some of you may have already gone through that dreaded ritual–your “first appearance of the year” in swimming attire (of…

Exercise Is The Fountain of Youth

Exercise can help people lose weight, increase energy and improve outlook. But, here’s added bonus: studies show that those who exercise also are physically younger. Who couldn’t appreciate that? The fitness-age connection Keeping fit can help your life expectancy in…