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Muscle Vs. Fat

Muscle Vs. Fat – The Benefits of Building Lean Muscle If you have recently started working out, and the scale isn’t budging, or even worse, it keeps going up, but your clothes are fitting better and you are feeling smaller,…

Let’s Be Friends ‘Cause Friends Get Free Stuff

Let’s be Friends ‘Cause Friends Get Free Stuff Are you connected with us on Facebook?  You can find weekly contests for prizes, weight loss tips & helps, quick healthy recipes, encouragement and more on our Facebook page.  It is simple…

Facebook Freebies. You’re Gonna “LIKE” it.

FACEBOOK Freebies!! You’re Gonna “LIKE” It! If you haven’t checked out our Facebook yet, now is a good time to make the CLICK! Starting this month, we will be offering FREEBIES, PRIZES, and DISCOUNTS at various times for your comments,…

Game Day Score! Skinny Guaca – Salsa

  2 Ripe Avacados, seeded, peeled and diced 2 Large Tomatos, diced 1/4 c. Chopped Red Onion 2 Cloves Garlic, minced 2 Tbsp Fresh Cilantro 1 Large Lime, juice only 1/2 tsp Ground Cumin 1/4 tsp Ground Black Pepper 1/4…

You Did It! Successful Weight Loss

You Did It!!! If you are one of our MANY successful weight loss patients, we want to hear from YOU! Please send us your testimony so that we may inspire other’s and of course… REWARD YOU! Just ask an employee for information,…

Crossing The Dreaded Weight Loss PLATEAU

Crossing The Dreaded Weight Loss PLATEAU! Unfortunately, even the most diligent dieter can hit a roadblock! A weight loss plateau occurs when you stop losing weight despite continuing your normal exercise and low calorie eating habits. In the beginning, you’re…

LetsLose is now partnering with Gyn Clinics

What a match made in heaven!  LetsLose, Advanced Weight Loss Clinics is making weight loss more convenient to our patients by partnering with Gyn clinics.  This is truly a win-win situation.  Good for the patients &  good for the doctor.…